In the 1950's it was not uncommon to see smoking on tv and in every day life, Doctors even recommended smoking cigarettes. Today we know the risks associated with smoking. In fact, the CDC says that "smoking is the leading cause for preventable diseases in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths every year..."(, 2016). With all of the available medical knowledge its shocking that the amount of smokers hasn't decreased dramatically. Part of this has to do with the lack of advertising. Sure, there have been some occasional intense PSA's about what smoking has done to people, but these ads were not very consistent and they typically only used one medium,TV. The Truth is a new campaign to end smoking and it is geared toward young adults. According to the CDC, 16.7% of smokers are between the ages of 18 and 24. The Truth has advertised on TV, snapchat, and they have a YouTube account which is reaching out to the younger demographic and trying to curb the habits before they start. After making progress, they post new videos and ads encouraging people to keep going and not to forget that cigarettes aren't the only thing that young people smoke. They bring up the fact that smoking Hookah is worse than smoking a pack of cigarettes, in fact it is the equivalent of smoking 100 cigarettes(,2016). From the website and the YouTube videos, it appears that they are employing both sides of the Elaboration Likelihood Model to convince people to stop smoking. They give the audience facts about smoking and the repercussions and they also cater to the needs of the audience. One of the arguments presented is that smokers earn less than non smokers and considering people need money to survive in this world. One video discusses the increased likelihood that a smokers pet will get cancer over a non smokers pet. This is using the cause and effect strategy. It also causes the viewer to have more sympathy and is more motivating because they are using the risk of losing a pet . Due to Federal Regulations on the Tobacco companies, there are no opposing arguments or ads for smoking( Sadly just because they cannot advertise, doesn't mean they cannot tamper with the nicotine levels in cigarettes. The Truth website states that one company has genetically engineered tobacco plants to have 2 times the normal amount of nicotine. For those who don't know, nicotine is the addictive chemical in cigarettes. As if quitting smoking wasn't hard enough, now they have found a way to make it even more difficult to quit. Because of this, The Truth will have to keep campaigning in new ways and coming up with more innovative ways to reach people. Their strategy seems to be targeting kids 18 and younger so that they can get make a preemptive strike. Their slogan is "Be the generation to end smoking" so if they never start smoking then they never have to quit. The more people know about the risks and effects of smoking, the better. The Truth campaign is finding ways to get their message out there without using fear as a motivator, instead they are inspiring youth to be proactive and informed about the dangers of smoking.
A. Laws/Policies. Retrieved November 11, 2016, from
Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the United States. (2016, March 14). Retrieved November 11, 2016, from
Facts. Retrieved November 11, 2016, from
Good choice here - and a popular choice for this assignment. You do a good job of acknowledging the reality of how cigarettes are manufactured to maximize their addictiveness, and the subsequent marketing effort to counter that general addiction needs to be constantly upgraded. Good stuff here. Let me know how I can help.